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This page is for everyone who is intimated by making fresh pasta, everyone who thinks it's just too difficult and complex, and everyone who has tried it before but it just didn't work out. Even though I love pasta and would probably eat it for the majority of my meals (if my partner would let me) I myself have long been put off attempting to make pasta by hand. Part of the reason for that were a few pretty unsuccessful tries many years ago with sticky dough and watery fillings that ended up in a messy kitchen and lots more store-bought ravioli than I can count. But then came the lockdowns and after I had revived my love for kombucha and sourdough I finally decided to master the art of making pasta. Months later I am convinced that everyone can make pasta at home - with the right tools and the right instructions. That's what I am setting out to do here with these online pasta workshops, and I hope you will enjoy the process and the result as much as I do. Now let's make some pasta!

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